Term Conversions with the AAS Chronic Illness Rider Now Available from AIG
Good news from the team at AIG: Their Chronic Illness Rider, the Accelerated Access Solution, is now available for some term conversions with limited underwriting within the first five policy years.
AIG Eases Some COVID-19 Based Underwriting Restrictions
Last week saw AIG ease some of the temporary underwriting guidelines put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rate Changes for the X5 Advantage AnnuitySM
Increasing X5 Advantage AnnuitySM Rates: Effective July 6, 2020
CARES Act RMD Mailing Alert to Financial Professionals
Rate Change for X5 Advantage
Decreasing X5 Advantage AnnuitySM Rates: Effective April 13, 2020
New NAIC Product-Specific Suitability Training for the Power Select Index Annuities
With several enhancements made to The Power Series of Index Annuities over the past few years, completion of a new NAIC training module will be required for ALL financial professionals and agents who submit new business applications on and after February 24, 2020.
A More Flexible Approach to Underwriting with AIG’s New Flex Points Program
Effective May 31, our competitive underwriting programs will be combined into a single crediting program that provides greater opportunities to improve ratings while simplifying usage and allowing for more accurate underwriting assessments of client’s health.