Operations Update from DMI
Operations Update from DMI UPDATED: March 18, 2020 Due to the current state of COVID-19 concerns and the need for social distancing, the Operations team at DMI has successfully transitioned to a remote working environment. Our processes have been moved online and we are going forward with business as usual. As a result, there should […]
A Message from DMI President & Founder, Brian Donahue
A Message from DMI President & Founder, Brian Donahue UPDATED: March 18, 2020 With all of the changes around us, DMI will continue to focus on what we do best: providing the best Sales, Operations, and Marketing support to our partners. Now, more than ever, we will do so while ensuring the safety of our […]
An Update on DMI’s Operational Readiness Relative to the Coronavirus/COVID-19
An Update on DMI’s Operational Readiness Relative to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 UPDATED: March 13, 2020 In light of the heightened safety concerns in our communities, we wanted to assure you that DMI is open for business and will continue to support you and provide superior service, as we have done for over 30 years. We have successfully positioned […]
An Update on DMI’s Operational Readiness Relative to the Coronavirus/COVID-19
An Update on DMI’s Operational Readiness Relative to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 UPDATED: March 12, 2020 Given the incredibly fluid and unpredictable nature of the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19, I am writing today to provide insight into DMI’s readiness should it become necessary to transition the Company to a remote working environment. DMI is well-positioned to put the safety and wellbeing of our […]