Rates are increasing for Pinnacle MYGA on 4/27/2020 and for Retirement Stages 7 on 5/1/2020
Pinnacle MYGA®️ rates will increase on 3/30/2020 while FIA rates will decrease on 4/1/2020
In response to the current rate environment, select rates are decreasing for all fixed index annuities on 4/1/2020.
Pinnacle MYGA®️ fixed annuity rates are decreasing
In response to the current rate environment, Pinnacle MYGA®️ fixed annuity rates are decreasing effective 3/16/2020.
Pinnacle MYGA®️ fixed annuity and Retirement Stages 7®️ FIA rates are increasing on 2/3/2020
Effective February 3, 2020, rates are increasing for Pinnacle MYGA®️ fixed annuity and Retirement Stages 7®️ fixed index annuity.